Category: Siding Contractor

Why Siding Repair Is Necessary

When your siding is damaged, it allows outside elements to penetrate your walls. Moisture in these areas promotes rot, mold, and deterioration of other internal wall systems. It also reduces energy efficiency and may result in a noticeable increase in utility bills. 

Siding Contractor

Small holes can be repaired with epoxy putty that you can stain or paint to match the surrounding area. For more extensive damage, you may need to replace entire boards. For professional expertise, consult Charleston Advanced Siding Repair.

Cracks and dents in your siding can be extremely damaging, and not only to the overall appearance of your home. These cracks can lead to moisture seepage and serious problems if left untreated. Cracks can also indicate other issues, such as foundation shifts or settlement, and can cause structural damage to your home.

All types of siding are susceptible to cracks and dents, especially those that are made from wood. This is due to the expansion and contraction of wood fibers over time, especially when the material is exposed to extreme temperatures. These types of siding are not as durable as other materials, so it is imperative to repair them as soon as you notice damage.

Holes in your siding can occur from a variety of reasons, from hail dents to stray stones from your lawnmower or sports balls. These holes can allow water intrusion and fungal growth, which can eventually require replacement of the entire panel.

Cracked siding can often be repaired by filling the cracks with caulk. To do this, you must first clean the area and make sure it is free of dirt and dust. This is done by using a clean, lint-free cloth (such as a tack cloth) and soap and water or rubbing alcohol. The area must then be allowed to dry before moving on to the next step.

When caulking, you should use a vinyl-friendly caulk that is the same color as your siding. This way, the caulk blends in and does not stand out as a patch. After the caulk dries, you should use a putty knife to smooth the surface, ensuring that it is level with the surrounding siding and does not show visual flaws.

If you find that your heating and cooling bills are much higher than they should be, it could be caused by gaps in your siding. These gaps can allow air to escape, causing your systems to work harder to maintain the proper temperature. Having your siding checked by a professional can help prevent these issues and save you money down the road.


A hole in your siding may be the result of impact damage like a ball from a sports game, a rock thrown by a lawnmower or debris blown by strong winds. It could also be an indicator that critters are living in your walls. Mouse holes are common, but larger holes indicate squirrels or rats that chew their way through the wood to make their home. Rotting areas around windows and doors are another sign of a critter making your house its own.

Holes in vinyl siding are easy to fix with a little caulk. Before you start, wipe away any dirt or grime from the damaged area and dry it thoroughly. Then apply a small amount of exterior-grade caulk to the hole, filling it completely and smoothing it with your finger or a putty knife for a clean finish. If the caulk isn’t a perfect match for your vinyl siding, you can cover it with a patch kit that matches your color and is designed to be applied over vinyl.

Repairing large holes and cracks is a bit more complicated than filling in smaller ones. First, find an inconspicuous spot where you can remove a two-foot segment of your vinyl siding panel. Use a utility knife to cut vertically through the panel, no wider than the gap you’re working with. Then, locate a scrap piece of matching siding. Cut off the nailing strip at the top of the piece and the curved bottom lip to prepare it for installation. Then, use a zip tool to hook the lower edge of the replacement piece over the bottom lip of the section above it. Then, drive nails or screws through the upper panel to secure it.

To seal the new panel in place, trim off any excess caulk with a utility knife. If you want to prevent water from getting into the hole, consider using a paintable caulk that’s been specially blended to match your vinyl siding. Home centers don’t normally carry this type of caulk, but most siding wholesalers that sell to contractors do offer a wide range of colors and shades.


Siding can become warped for a variety of reasons. It may have been improperly installed, or it could be the result of changes to a home’s foundation. In some cases, it is a sign of moisture infiltration and other serious problems.

Sometimes, wood siding becomes warped because of direct sunlight or heat. This can be an issue in the summer, especially if a house is painted dark colors that absorb more heat. In this case, it is best to paint the siding a lighter shade to help prevent sun/heat damage.

Other times, the warping is due to weather-related issues like high winds or rain. The wind can blow shingles off of roofs and cause them to hit the sidings. This can warp the lower section of the siding because it is under more stress than the upper section.

The rain can also create a situation where water gets under the siding and causes problems. This is why it’s important to install plastic house wrap around the exterior of a home and make sure that all flashing is in place. It is important to have this done by a professional who understands how to properly install and seal these elements of a home.

It is possible to fix a piece of siding that has been warped if it can be determined what caused it to do so. If the cause is a hole, then you can simply use stainable wood putty to fill in the holes and to smooth the surface of the siding. After a few layers of the putty have been applied, it’s then a good idea to use sandpaper to smooth out the patch. The same goes for any areas where the siding has been distorted. It’s important to catch these issues early before they lead to further problems. The longer you wait, the more damage your siding will sustain and the more costly it will be to repair. This is why it’s always better to hire a contractor with experience and a solid reputation. They can quickly get to the root of the problem and resolve it in a timely manner.


Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral used in building materials for its heat resistance, fire retardant and insulating properties. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, they can cause health problems such as mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of organs) and asbestosis (scarring of the lungs). Asbestos has since been phased out of commercial use due to its toxic properties. Homes built before 1980 are likely to contain asbestos in the form of cement asbestos shingles, floor tiles, drywall, insulation, piping and paint. There are strict federal safety regulations that must be followed when working with asbestos.

While the EPA considers asbestos-containing materials (ACM) to be hazardous when they are in a friable state (that is, the material can be crumbled or crushed by hand pressure), non-friable ACM such as asbestos cement siding does not release fibers into the air under normal conditions. It is only when these materials are disturbed that they become a health risk, such as during remodeling or repair work that may involve chipping, sawing, drilling, grinding, sanding or other mechanical activities.

Replacing damaged asbestos shingles is a project that can be done by the homeowner. However, it is important to remember that asbestos shingles are still considered a hazardous material. It is crucial to follow all safety measures to ensure that you do not damage the shingles or allow them to become loose and fall from the house.

Before beginning your repair, place 6-mil plastic sheeting on the ground around the house to catch any debris and wear a respirator that is approved for asbestos. It is also recommended to wear disposable coveralls with hood, rubber gloves, goggles and sturdy work boots. Lastly, dampen any removed shingles before and during removal to prevent them from becoming airborne.

After completing the repair, make sure to double-bag any discarded asbestos shingles and dispose of them as instructed by your local hazmat program. It is also a good idea to call your local landfill to find out their specific requirements. Most landfills have a designated “hazardous waste day” when they will accept asbestos shingle disposal.